Thursday, February 13, 2014


We still need people to test the Xbox 360 issues. IT has received an email from only 2 people on campus about this. We would like to see at least 10 testers. IT will send an email to those testers once we have enough people interested in helping.

Please email the and we will get your name on the list.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Testers Needed!

February 5th: IT had a good call with Cisco & Meraki yesterday and we laid out a testing plan to get a little deeper into the issue.

IT is looking for some XBox 360 users that use XBox Live to volunteer for this testing. We will need to borrow an XBox 360 to have in our office in Crispin from one student during the entire week next week, starting February 10th. We will also need student volunteers who have a wired network connection in their room. We will make a change to the port in your room for the XBox 360 so we can capture some internet traffic.

If you are interested in volunteering for either side of this testing program please email the helpdesk and you will be contacted on Friday.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Februrary 4th: A call has been scheduled for this afternoon with Illinois College, Meraki & Cisco. Hopefully some things will be ironed out. More news later today or tomorrow.